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المراجعة الشاملة للفصل الأول Revision for Unit One Re-arrange

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سنبدأ بإذن الله مراجعة شاملة للفصل الأول ابتداءً من اليوم

وذلك من الوحدة الأولى للاستعداد للامتحان النهائي للفصل الأول

أسأل الله التوفيق والسداد لكم

وستكون إجاباتكم في الردود في الأسفل حيث يقوم الطالب بكتابة اسمه.

وأسفل الاسم رقم السؤال وإجابته الصحيحة.

إن كنت لا تعرف جميع الإجابات فلست مجبراً أن تجيبها كافة، أجب ما تعرفه وما أنت متأكد منه. 

وأرحب أن تتركوا تساؤلاتكم واستفساراتكم حول أي أمر يتعلق بالمادة في التعليقات بالأسفل.

نبدأ على بركة الله

Unit One


1- happened  - What - leg - your - to?


2- was  -  Amy   -  tired   -  had   -  and   -  she   -  an   -  accident


3- her  -   Amy  -   arm  -   banged 


4- lots   -   played  -   We  -   sports  -   of


5- Ben   -   Palestine  -   back  -   to  -   came.


انتظر إجاباتكم في الردود بالأسفل

هناك 46 تعليقًا:

  1. أسامة حسام مقداد.سادس2
    1/what happened to your leg
    2/Amy was tired and she had an accident.
    3/Amy banged her arm.
    4/We played lots of sports.
    5/Ben come back to Palestine

    1. أشكرك يا أسامة على سرعة الرد
      بارك الله فيك
      ولكن هناك بعض الأخطاء البسيطة جدا ... حاول أن تعرفها وتصححها في رد جديد

    2. اعتذر عن الأخطاء ضريبة الاستعجال😁😁
      1/What happened to your leg.
      2/Amy had an accident and she was tired.
      3/We played lots of sports.
      4/Ben came back to Palestine.

  2. ?What happened to your leg
    .Amy had an accident and she was tired
    .Amy hanged her arm
    .We played lots of sports
    .Ben come back to palestine
    صلاح الدين علي مطر سادس 3

    1. ممتاز يا صلاح
      ولكن لا زال هناك 2 mistakes خطئان لا يمكن للطلاب المتميزين أمثالكم الوقوع فيها🌷

  3. ?What happend to your leg
    Amy had an accident and she was .tired
    .We played lots of sports
    .Ben came back to Palestine

    1. رااائع يا محمود🌷
      فقط .. tired ...
      أين النقطة fullstop

  4. ?What happened to your leg
    Amy had an accedant and she
    .was tired
    .Amy banged her arm
    .We played lots of sports .
    . Ben came back to palestin
    حسن ايهاب احمد6\2

    1. ممتاز يا حسن
      تأكد من صحتهم🌷

  5. إسلام ياسين
    What happend to your leg
    Amy was tired and she had an accident
    Amy langed her arm
    We played lots of sport
    Ben came back to paleatine

    1. أشكرك على مشاركتك الرائعة يا إسلام
      رقم 1 نهايتها ؟
      رقم 2 نهايتها نقطة وكذلك الباقي
      رقم 3 banged وليست langed
      رقم 5 Palestine وليست palestine
      تعديلي للأخطاء دلالة على محبتي لطلابي واهتمامي بهم
      فتقبلوا نقدي
      دمتم بخير

  6. Sport ... Palestine..تكون كابيتال حرف كبير .صلاح الدين علي مطر

    1. أول شيء أرجو كتابة اسمك عند المشاركة
      ثانياً: Sport لا يتم تكبير الحرف الأول إلى إذا كانت في بداية الجملة.

  7. خالد وليد الهور سادس ٢
    .What happened to your leg
    Amy had an accident and she was .tired
    .Amy banged her arm
    .We played lots of Sports
    .Ben came back to Palestine

  8. ?What happened to your leg
    Amy was tired and she had an
    . accident
    .Amy banged her arm
    .We played lots of sports
    .Ben came back to Palestine

  9. محمد النجار
    1. ?What happened to your leg
    2. Amy had an accident and she was tired.
    3. Amy banged her arm.
    4. We played lots of sports.
    5. Ben came back to palestine.

    1. رائع يا محمد
      فقط كلمة palestine تصبح Palestine

  10. 1-?what happenedtoyourlog?Amy had an accident and- 2?
    shewas tired
    3-? we played lotsof sports
    4-?Ben come back to palestine

  11. عبدالله ابو مراحيل
    1/ ?What happened to your leg
    2/Amy had an acciddent and
    . she was tired
    3/ .Amy banged her arm
    4/ .We played lots of sports
    5/.Ben came back to Palestine

  12. What happened your leg
    Amy was tired and she had an accident
    Amy banged her arm
    We played lots of sports
    Ben came back to palestien

  13. حسين العايدي سادس ٢

  14. 1 ?What happened to your leg
    2 Amy was tired and she had
    . an accident
    3 .Amy banged her arm
    4 .We played lots of sports
    5 .Ben come back to Palestine

  15. أحمد أبو رحمة سادس 3

  16. 1-What happen to your leg?
    2-Amy was tired and she had an accident.

    3-Amy banged her arm.
    4-We played lots of sports.
    5-Ben come back to Palestine
    ابراهيم تيم سادس١

  17. اسف يا استاذ ع التأخير النت ضعيف وما كان ارسال

  18. ?What happend to your leg Amy had an accident and she was
    . tired
    . We played lots of sports
    Ben came back to
    . Palestine
    يزن محارب السادس 2

  19. 1-?What happened to your leg
    2-Amy was tird and she had an accident
    3-.Amy banged her arm
    4-We played lots of sports
    5-Ben come back to Palestine
    عبدالله القدسي سادس ٤

  20. الاسم محمد ياسر عبدالله عابد
    سادس ٤
    1) ?What happend to your leg
    2)Amy had an accident and
    .she was tired
    3).Amy banged her arm
    4).We played lots of sports
    5).Ben came back to palestine

  21. أزال المؤلف هذا التعليق.

  22. 1.What happened to your leg

    2-Amy had an accident and she was tired.

    3-Amy banged her arm.

    4-We played lots of sports.

    5-Ben come back to Palestine.

    Hamza El Haj

  23. 1- happened - What - leg - your
    What happend to your leg
    2- was - Amy - tired - had - and - she - an -
    Amy had an accident and she was tired
    3- her - Amy - arm -
    Amy banged her arm
    4- lots - played - We - sports - .
    We played lots of sports
    5- Ben - Palestine - back - to - come
    Ben come back to palestine
    Yamin khattab

  24. 4_ ?Where did you go
    محمد ناصر عمار

  25. 1_What happened to your leg
    2_Amy was tired and she had an accident
    3_Amy banged her arm
    4_We played lots of sport
    5_ Ben com back to Palestine
    عبد الرحمن عقل

  26. What happened to your leg
    2/Amy had an acciddent and
    . she was tired
    3/ .Amy banged her arm
    4/ .We played lots of sports
    5/.Ben came back to Palestine

    عزمي محمد أحمد6\2

  27. 1/what happened to your leg?
    2/Amy was tired and she had an accident.
    3/Amy banged her arm.
    4/We played lots of sports.
    5/Ben come back to Palestine
    Mohammrd Ayyash
    6th 3


  28. الطالب خالد وليد الهور
    الصف السادس ٢ 1_ The wheel burst when he was driving the car
    2_ Huda went to the see but she didn't swim
    3_ played
    4_ where did you go?
    5_ Ben and Rania went to the hospital.

    1. 1.What happened to your leg
      2-Amy had an accident and she was tired.
      3-Amy banged her arm.
      4-We played lots of sports.
      5 Ben come back to palestine l.

  29. 1.What happened to your leg

    2-Amy had an accident and she was tired.

    3-Amy banged her arm.

    4-We played lots of sports.

    5-Ben come back to Palestine
    محمود عبدالعال سادس4
